I was reading my Beano comic one day and on the back there was a Beano membership club which I asked my Mum whether I could join, she said, yes you can.
I filled in the paper and sent it to the Beano Club.
In 2 weeks time I received through the post this Beano bag which had a Dennis and Gnasher poster in, a pocket size magazine, flower trick and some other things.
I was so excited about the parcel I took the Beano club bag to school with my P.E clothes in. All off my friends Said "where did you get that bag from".
I told them and they said "lucky you".
The next day they all had a Beano comic and they were signing the back to try and get the same bag as me.
I started collecting these wonderful toys when I was small and my mum used take me to buy a happy meal from McDonalds. I saw them on an advert and I said " I must go and get a happy meal because I am a big fan of the Beano.
Here is my Dennis the Menace game and card collection.
Dennis and Gnasher.
The comic story with Dennis and Gnasher.
I did this one in black and white.
Meet Walter he is on Dennis and Gnashers most wanted list because he does not like him.Dennis is inviting you to the beano party wow.
The Bash Street Kids!
They are all sitting on their page because they all are proud of their story.
My Beano comics Collection.
The Bash Street kids story.
Dennis story.
The Christmas Beano.
Dennis looks like he is reading the comic to his spider.

On the my chair you can see Dennis and Gnasher magazine and every week on the CBBC channel I watch them. I really like watching them beacuse they get up to a lot of mischief.
Dennis gets his revenge on Walter with the pink champagne.
Gnasher with blue mat
Meet the teacher. He is so happy because it is half term in Beano town and he will not have to go to school and teach. He can sit with his feet up and read the Beano.
Well Well Well that was some party it was a shame that the teacher put us all in detention when we got back to school. Dennis and Gnasher thought that Walter should not wear that red spot bow tie which spins around. They thought that it was funny to squirt him in the face with some pink champaign.The other Beano characters had a really good time dancing and singing and playing jokes on people. We have got to go now because Sargeant Slipper is watching Dennis and Gnashers house and told his Mum and Dad about the party. And he was grounded for three weeks. He told his friend pie face and he was not that bothered because he was to busy eating the pork pies. That is enough menacing for now fans. Until next time keep reading.