My Lovely pretty flowers.
In a lovely Roman vase which we bought at an Antique Fair in Woodbridge.
Here is my lovely collection of the small and medium china dogs with a lot of character. I have also managed to find a Stanley dog.
Hear are my two big dog's at the back one is a Sheep dog. The one next to it looks like it is saying " Water please" woof". The dogs in front are a pair I bought for a £1. The Mum is guarding her puppies.
I love this china dog it looks so shiny and kind, it looks like it has had been washed with Pantene Ice shine shampoo . What I like about him is its face and his ears are so soft looking.
I picked up this dog in a Boot Fair and thought to myself this looks like a 1930's dog so I said to the people on the stall "I have this one please". So I asked them "How much is this dog" And they said "50p" so I Said "Yes". When I asked the people how much the dog was it reminded me of that song " How much is that doggy in the window I do hope that doggy is for sale woof".

(Lucky Me).

I really love this one specially, it looks really excited to get his food. And the green bird thought to itself " Hang on this is not water this is dog food yuck".

That is the End of my Adventure woof woof
Or in our language Thanks for reading.